Monday, October 16, 2006

Whoooping night


Killed one Elicpse ~_~ *no pole arm for you cao unker* , 1 level 90 shoe >_< *I hate shoe scrolling, geeez, just don't have the luck in it sia*, 1 morning star ~_~"

Scrolled my newest big baby, yet to see result T_T. Hope it goes 110 3 slotter baby V^_^V. Justice will prevail, namo it pass

V^_^V own 3 new babies of


Blogger TengTengOne said...

i wan lvl 80 polearm wa115+ =p
nid motivation to cheaong again, if not i quit ms liao =X

12:43 PM  
Blogger MnM said...

curse mi rite... hmpf... fail fail fail hmpf

anyway richie no more, go find new one lol

2:46 PM  
Blogger TengTengOne said...

hahaha juz dun fail on spear n polearm hor. godly one pass to me to cheong lvl.

3:06 PM  
Blogger ET said...

Cao mnm ~_~ where got curse you mah ~_~


8:24 AM  

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