Monday, December 04, 2006

Mystery of the lubricant

=op finally solved the mystery of the mysterious lubricant. It's a freebie from watson buying their shower foam -.- . Wonder what are they promoting hmmmmm. 鸳鸯戏水(Yuan Yang Xi Shui)? =op.

In the end, it does a final appearance in someone's bag =x. Hope it was not seen by other people while unpacking, leading them to think astray what the owner did over the past few days :p

Tiring weekend, missed my bed ~_~ , well at least finally get a good night sleep =p. Weekend was tiring but well spent hehe.

Home sweet home, bed sweet bed ^_^

Back in office once again >_< , how good will it be if the weekend never end ~_~. Well, time to go back to the reality world, no work no honey :~(.

Lastly, manure is 6 points clear at the top V^_^V. Soon will be 9 points and on and on and on and on......


Blogger MnM said...

"no work no honey"

hmmz..... hmmz.....

11:40 AM  
Blogger Istari said...

kns chao et must be your fault. Heng i never got questioned by it. hmpf. chao mnm too.

7:33 PM  

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