Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Recent hoo-ha from a Ms Wee by her comment made.

It's the case of Elite-to-be vs the middle class and lower class and all-those-who-disagree-her-view.

She made some comments over her blog after reading a blog somewhere else who air-ed his view over of how Singapore is an insecure place. This is the triggering point of all this hoo-ha. Ms Wee air-ed her view regarding this post shoointg straight at the poster and the remaining of the population who may feel the same.

Currently this is the "talk" in town. Her dad made some supporting commenting over the paper which was not very acceptable among some of the readers who felt that her dad is "supporting" her view *indirectly".

Cannot deny that there's some truth in what she said, but is there a need to make thing so personal. Had she ever put herself in others' shoes and think from their pov, well perhaps not, given that she's being born with a silver spoon.

Show's still going on. It's even more exciting and interesting than chasing a drama V^_^V.


Blogger MnM said...

si bey hiao hor go around gossip -.-"

12:26 PM  
Blogger ET said...

Not gossip lai de >_<

Hot issue now mah ^_^V

2:23 PM  
Blogger Istari said...

Ya lor. ET niang eh every time go for gossip de :X

7:49 PM  

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