Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I still look 21 ^_^

Hehe, while having some light snack at mac, suddenly someone came up and ask if we're 21 ^_^, muhahaha. Flattered *blush*

Xmas is just round the corner, which also means anothe year had passed...... Another year older soon >_<. Nothing much was accomplished this year beside attaining that piece of toilet paper after 4 yrs of struggling.

Time to move on and start planning for the path after the toilet paper attaining.

Target for 2007:

1) ???????

in progress of filling in the blank ~_~

Tonight will be the deciding night for manure. Will we venture into the next phase of the Champion League, hehe, result will be known at 545am ^_^. Hope can endure till then >_<. Poor bed gonna be lonely =op


Blogger MnM said...

eee... BHB!!! tat gal -.-" think she jus luan lai one lo, she nt even see ur face as we sit totally opposite next next table -.-" somemore u sit back face her back, i wonder how she knoe like she said "eh... u 21 yo rite? u looks 21 yo..." diaoz... lolx duno simi sai trick to do survey...

then i said he 31yo =X then she stunned @.@ lmao pua kangtao lol...

1:49 PM  
Blogger Istari said...

I think that gal drunk la. :X see back can tell age har? :X

8:51 PM  
Blogger ET said...

bleahz at least my back looks 21 V^_^V

10:21 PM  
Blogger MnM said...

BHB'nes on ur face... hahahahaha

3:27 PM  

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