Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tummyache day 一月十日二零零七年 病

2 days of suffering after eating canteen food :~(. Ain't the 1st time le getting tummyache and toilet visits after consuming food from the muslim stall in the canteen >_<. Their food think got something against me ~_~. Visited the clinic to get some medicine to ease the pain, but ended up a 15' min "interview" to get the carbon pill ~_~, asking about when the pain started, what was eaten etc etc =.=.

Clinic visit 仗立品


^_^ 成长成长我已成长 ^_^ Think my coke bottle is almost 2 yr old le, 1 dollar per day ^_^


Blogger MnM said...

heehee... rich boy ^^ sakae!!!

the pic u resize? how come so small? & I think ur stomach pai liao, nid to go wash clean =X

4:37 PM  
Blogger ET said...

if don't resize the pic damn big ~_~

6:05 PM  
Blogger Istari said...

2 words. CHAO KENG!!! :X

8:37 PM  
Blogger Daisies said...

nice coke bottle ^^
jiayou n ur savings n hope ur feeling better .

1:41 AM  
Blogger MnM said...

u nvr set ur hp cam photo size de meh? can set to various resolution one de ma.

11:04 AM  
Blogger ET said...

take at the best quality mah :p

3:07 PM  

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