Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bleahz, avg scoring day, basically managed to enter the village for all 3 games ^_^

Played 3 games at coy's tournament, scoring 102,131 and 139 respectively. Heng bo lao kui ^_^. Shu lang mai shu seh =op. Tallying to about 124/game, village entering basic met hehe.

Went searching for my name on the score sheet, scroll down quite deeply then I get to see my name standing at position 30+ on 2nd game score out of a total of ~70 players ~_~. Hehe, believe 3rd game score should move up my little name to half-table and above ^_^.

After the 3 games, we had another round of friendly game. Bad move made >_<. Wore my shoe out of the bowling lane and think I stepped on some water. When going on with the game, pow, fell on the knee hard ~_~, grrrrrrr pain, now can feel the baluku around the knee area arghhhh, and fractured hand abit while breaking the fall :~~~(. Bowling is a dangerous game, next time perhaps should get those in-line skating knee guard =op.

Owww, another day of not enough sleep :(, bad to graveyard shift this week grrrrrr. Next week another orpiang week, sun/mon/tues not working, but work on wed/thurs/fri ~_~. Screwed week.

Lastly, Cable Online or no Cable Online >_<. I hate making decision owwwwww.


Blogger Istari said...

oooo graveyard shift again. Never mind your xmas schedule should be quite song.

5:58 PM  
Blogger MnM said...

-.-" ur bowling shoe is too big! tats y u fall.

11:58 AM  

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