Friday, March 02, 2007

三月一日二零零七年 之 成为百万富翁之前

Played 4 rounds of mahjong with colleague. Reached my helpdesk house at around 3pm and started round 1 of mahjong with 2 of my engineers and the hubby of one of my helpdesk's sista. After around 6 hours of fighting, V$_$V victorious me V$_$V, 一家杀三家.

Had another round of lou hei once again. As usual, messy hand, messy floor ~_~.

Finally thought can go home le, my helpdesk called for one more round of mj, ended up playing against 三娘教子。 Ended the game at about 1:30am, managed to stay on positive side, still won abit from the last round of mj ^_^. From start till end, pay is about $13 per hour.

^_^, the day is finally here. The annual 10million AngBao draw is here once again. Ain't greedy, hehe group 1 enough le $_$. Invested in several areas, hope can be one of the lucky winner. Pig year had been good so far, hope it continues, well the year ain't far from over, 9 months more nia. =op.

Huat Ar~~~~~~~~~~~

Took out all my toto tix, tally up a total of 100+ ~_~. They better win or....... :( can only go 1 corner suck thumb, what can I do hor :(


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