Sunday, April 01, 2007

三月三十一日二零零七年 之 拉肚子

After last night's dinner, had diarrohea couple of times from last night till this morning. :~~~(. There goes my pizza hut last night, and the cake :~~~(.

A whooping whacked Blackburn at Old Trafford returns home with 4 goals conceded. First half ended with BB leading 1-0, with fridel saving shots after shots. By HT, manure should have been up 3-0 at least if not for Fridel. A beautiful 2nd half come back from the almighty manure ^_^, fighting back from 1 goal to to 4-1 ripping blackburn side apart. After the 90', manure once again clinch a 9 point lead over cheski once again only for 2 hours.

Sadly, cheski clocked another 90' goal ~_~ to give them the valuable 3 points grrrrrrrrrrr. Stopping biting on manure's a$$ ptui.

^_^ more dingdangs to collection.


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